Monday, June 21, 2010

Entering the Green Lataif of Compassion

This past weekend the Canadian EP2 group ventured into the green lataif with our teacher Michael Schiesser to enter into the world of compassion. Not just for those who enter our lives (friends, family, etc), but for the world at large and more importantly, having compassion for oneself. I find this to be extremely difficult, but through ongoing work with others, by holding space for someone as they go through a difficult process, I am able to have abundant compassion for them. And when their issues trigger something within me, as in a similar issue I myself deal with, being able to hold them in compassion, then in return allows me to hold myself in a space of compassion because I realise in that moment that I am no different - not better or worse than the person in front of me. And if I can hold compassion for them, I can see where I can have the same compassion for myself.

Michael asked us to think of one or two personal issues that we will look at in order to find compassion for ourselves in areas where we are unforgiving of ourselves to examine and look at over the next 3 months. I have chosen to look at my own body image: my beliefs, values and difficulties with my body and my body image - how I see it as well as how I think others view it. It has been a core wound for me for my entire life and am hoping I am ready to finally face this core issue with grace guiding me.

Sending love & compassion out to my sisters and brothers in my EP2 sangha, as well as to everyone inhabiting this gorgeous blue planet of ours.



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