Trust or insanity?

The reason why I'm in this very predicament - is that I trusted the universe to show me where I should live - did I trust, or did I choose to be insane? Living beside St. Anthony (his church) & considering we've been quite close all my life (I mean who else would help me find half the stuff I lose), I asked him very politely to help me find the perfect place for me to live. He found me a beautiful place to live and I accepted. I figured that if I wasn't supposed to live in Barrhaven, something would have happened that would have prevented me from taking the place. But no, the landlords like me, the owner likes me (seriously - what's there not to like). But I am concerned I bit off more I could chew. But even as I type this, I know that I'm there for 4 months and if it doesn't work, or if I can't handle it, then I can move...again! Ugh!
Nothing is permanent and I think that is another factor that scares me. I don't like change. I think I need to embrace the possibility of constant change in order for me to stop moving all the time!!! I'm tired. I'm scared. I'm worried. I'm tired of making these decisions alone. People around me are getting together, settling in, getting married, having babies and me - I keep moving around like a university student without grounding. I truly thought I'd be a grown up by now - but apparently the universe has something else planned for me. Which is fine, I just wish it would give me more hints as to what it's all about!
So universe - this is what I would like please. The money that is owed to me from work (sooner rather than later please) and a wonderful sexy man to share my life's experiences with so I don't feel so alone anymore and I have someone to lean on during these times in my life. This way everything's covered.
Hey - a girl can dream right?! :)
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