Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year, New Resolutions... Welcome 2006!

Welcome everyone and Happy New Year!! I hope everyone's holidays were wonderful and that Santa was good to you.

I was up until 2:30am last night reading "Scar Tissue" which Dr. Drü kindly lent to me while he was here visiting us in O-Town. Dude! This is an amazing read! I didn't start it right away but now I'm half way through and can't put it down. Needless to say, I'm surviving on Second Cup's "redbull mocha" today. I might even hit up the espresso beans if things continue down this path I'm traveling. I just can't even begin to imagine living a life that Anthony has lead. I've always admired him, the band and the music ever since "Freaky Styley" and I will always be a fan. It's weird to read about his life and times while reflecting upon my own life during the 80's and 90's - and even though the world was the same, his life seems so absolutely opposite to mine. And yet there's a truth to his writing that connects me as I read his life story. I highly recommend this to anyone who's a fan.

Going out to Absolute Comedy this Thursday night with Tina and her crew. She won a package of tickets so I'll be checking out whoever is up this week. I'd check but the internet is freaking out on me - which is ironic because I'm in here writing this bs down, and yet I can't open another window. Ahhhh, computers. I still abhore them.

Hopefully 2006 will be a year for everyone to shine. I am looking forward to seeing what life has in store for me now. Life is about change and I think I've finally been able to take a few leaps of faith to see which puddles I make a splash in. Who knows, life is always full of twists and turns and yet it never fails to lead you exactly where you're meant to be.

Take care everyone and remember that smiles and laughter are contageous.
Lanny ;)