Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Toy Mountain dinner tonight!! Whoo hoo!!

Oh the snowmanity!! ha ha!

Well well well, (3 deep holes with water in them) - it's that time of year again when we all get together, enjoy a nice dinner at the Keg in the market and then after we're all nicely in a drunken stupor, merrily skip off to the Rideau Centre's Toy Mountain and drop off all of the toys for the kids. Whoo hoo!! :) I'm looking forward to the multiple martinis and the amazing feeling I get knowing that some children are going to have a good Christmas this year.

Can you believe it's December 6th already?! 19 more sleeps until my mom wakes me up waaaaayyyy too early to check out the loot I got her this year. At least she makes coffee...

I just got back to work and I'm looking forward to more time off again. What does that say to you? Probably the same thing it says to me. I had my mid-year review today. Everything is fine, although I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. This constant internal debate seems to be a running theme for us genXers. Sure, a few of us are happy with how things are progressing, but more often than not I hear people just not satisfied with what they are doing. It's not that they necessarily hate their jobs (althought some do)... it's more of an internal conflict - knowing that there is something else out there that would suit them better. The catch is, what is it? Me - I have waaaay too many interests - how can I just choose one? Then there's the risk of doing what you love as employment only to have it crucified and bastardized by stupid people - thereby turning what you love to do into something you abhore. Then again, there's always that chance you will succeed and be happy doing what you love. Ahh, to take the risk, the plunge if you will. Stand up and be heard. Write that novel, get something published, draw and paint again. Who needs money to pay bills anyway...

Well, it's almost time for me to go. I'm not very good at keeping this thing up-to-date. Will add that to my list of resolutions... along with everything else undone, unsaid and forgotten.

Later gaters.

Lanny ;)