Oneness Global Deeksha Blessing experience of May 20, 2011
I was sent an email with information from Oneness University to join into a global deeksha blessing for 12:30pm EST on Friday May 20, 2011. One of my fellow deeksha givers - a dear friend of mine Louise and I decided to meet up in downtown Ottawa over lunch to join into this global blessing. It also happened to be our teachers’ Michael & Neelama’s son’s birthday that day so a special blessing went to Kai as well.
Louise and I were able to find a corner on the second floor of the Ottawa library which was nice and quite as well as being away from the multitude of patrons. At 12:27pm we began to whisper together the moolah mantra 7 times and then we began to give deeksha into the world. This was my experience.
While my mind was in the background commenting on how this better work and how I should make sure that I stay deep and connected long enough (yadda yadda yadda…) - my spirit went into its regular deeksha blessing for the world. Honouring and giving light, love, peace and awakening to all of the world’s peoples, all creatures of land, sea and air, the wind, the sun, the moon, the creepy crawlies of the world (I still am working on loving all of them without fear) – my spirit then soared above the earth as usual and I continued to send deeksha radiating out into the universe. As I held our Mother Earth in my hands to continue to give deeksha to the entire world, a million petal lotus flower appeared above the earth, rotating in such beauty and crystal colours that are indescribable in this English language. Then, the Earth itself became a golden ball of light. My physical body was heavy at this time and I could feel the network energy connection of the blessing givers surrounding me and the Earth itself. From this distance in space it reminded my youthful spirit of the snitch from the Harry Potter film franchise. All of a sudden I felt the urge to go back into the world to see what had happened. As it appeared to be a solid golden ball from space, as I flew back through the atmosphere I realized that it was the atmosphere which was of golden light which shimmered beautifully in all colours in the sunlight. My spirit flew around the world and I was pulled down into a large city where I experienced peoples’ new experience of life. As I arrived back, I stood to witness conversations and peoples’ lives after this shift and to put it mildly, we have our priorities ass backwards now. What I saw during this meditation was people making their life choices from a position of love, as opposed to how we live our lives currently – where we make our life choices from a position of fear.
There will be a polar shift - not of the Earth; but in our hearts, minds & collective spirit. May we all remember. May we all awaken into love. Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!