Seems like yesterday I was bitchin' that it was Monday...

Tuesday - well, it was a blur and I don't remember anything from that day so do you care? Certainly I don't. Onward hut!
Wednesday = Pay day!! It was "Yippee!!" for 2 mins I think, or at least until I paid all of my bills. Rejoined my gym. So unimpressed that I not only have to pay the initial start up cost with GoodLife, but I am also not considered a "new member" (because they are taking me as an old Florida Fitness member) so I was not entitled to the "new member deal" this month which was a cool looking pair of shades. I could have really used them for running outdoors. Bastards! $101.00+ later, I felt like crying... Oh well, at least I have a gym to go to again... let's hope the building owner doesn't get pissy again and kick them out too!!
Heard from the illusive Mr. 12 the other day - maybe it was Tuesday - soooo maybe that day wasn't a write off after all!! He's slaving away at La Roma learning all of the secrets and traditions of great italian food. Dude - I will definitely come and see you at La Roma so you can show off your new cooking skills. Sounds fun! Mmmmm, italian food. drooooool!!
Thursday - had to laugh. I remember this distictly. A woman was coming out of her apartment building at lunch and granted, it wasn't quite as hot and humid as it has been ALL SUMMER... but get this. She was wearing a nice summer outfit, nice shirt, skirt that matched and then... WINTER BOOTS!! What the f&$#? As if! At first I thought they were black boots (which they technically were) until I saw the winter insulation material popping up over the tops of the boots. I had to take a double take with that one. Hmmm, it's 30+ degree weather and I think I'll be traipsing through some snow banks!! Now there's making a fashion statement, and then there's just plain nuts. Now I don't even pretend to follow fashion trends, but I certainly hope that this isn't one of them. I hate summer to begin with so if I have to start wearing my winter clothes during 30 - 40 degree weather, I will have to dial the "bitch-switch" up a few notches to the ultimate level and scream! Or, just continue to be the fashion victim that I always am and just not follow trends. See, even I need help when it comes to dressing myself sometimes, but I must admit that I was able to help Dr. Drü out on several occasions with fashion choices. I don't think her trend will be one to follow...
Speaking of Big bitch, I heard from Lil' bitch that he's coming back to O-Town (the city) for a visit - but sorry dude, I forget when you're going to be here. Make sure to call me and hopefully we'll get to hook up and catch up on life in general while you're here. Speaking of "shut-up-and-drink-Bill" - I'm currently listening to the best of Café del Mar (got it off him before he left for BC) here at work and I'm just groovin' away. I totally recommend these 2 albums to anyone who's looking for some chill out music. All I have to do now is turn on my coffee maker and I'll feel as though I'm hanging out at posh barista coffee shop - instead of being surrounded by grey walls, grey desk, grey world of the government offices...
I received this e-mail from Lisa today and I thought it was nice... maybe this is why I'm still single... I'm still waiting for THIS man:
"Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,
who calls you back when you hang up on him,
who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead,
who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats,
who holds your hand in front of his friends.
Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.
Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, "...that's her."
Hmmm, well now I know she's found him because she's with my cousin. :) tee hee.
Well, that's it from my end for now. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!
Lanny ;)
Wow, I'm a little misty eyed after reading about the man described above...I'm going with your excuse for still being single as well - still waiting!
As for the winter boots thing, I hear ya. It's been plus 20 degrees since I've been in Brisbane and daily I run into people with winter coats and boots on. They sort of do have an excuse because techically it is winter here but that girl in the O-Dot is just crazy I reckon (hey, it's my first usage of the "I reckon" phrase...this place is rubbing off on me). Cheers.
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